Year/ Date
The College started functioning as a junior college 1981
Prof. K. Sreedharan Nair, the first principal of the college tookCharge 28.08.1981
Inauguration of the College by  Chief Minister E.K. Nayanar 16.09.1981
Foundation stone of Administrative block laid by GovernorSir. P. Ramachandran 19.09.1985
Inauguration of administrative block by the chief minister E. K. Nayanar 14.09.1990
B Com Degree Course started 1991-1992
BA Degree History Course started 1993-1994
BA Degree Economics Course started 1993-1994
The College has been  included in the list of colleges prepared under section 2-f of the UGC action 1956 1997
P.G Programme started (M Com) 1998-1999
M.A History started 1999-2000
M. P fund received for Library Building 2003
B Sc Physics and Computer Application started 2005
Physics Laboratory Facility started 2005
Remedial Coaching, Entry into Service, NET Coaching 2010-2011
Inauguration of new multi-storeyed College building 2011
Introduction of Internet laboratory (LAN Centre) 2012
UGC fund allotted for Construction of Compound Wall 2012-2013
B A Malayalam and B Sc Mathematics Degree Programmes started 2012-2013
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP)started 2012-2013
Walk with Scholar Programme (WWS) started 2012-2013
Scholar support Programme (SSP) started 2012-2013
The College has been accredited with B Grade 05.05.2014
The college has been selected for converting in to Centre of Excellence 2016-2017

New PG Courses Sanctioned [MA Malayalam & MA Economics]        2018

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