Edited Proceedings
Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (NCAI’16) organised by the Department of Computer Science Government College Nedumangad from 27th to 29th January 2016.
Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Conference on E-waste Management (NCEM’14) organized by the Department of Computer Science, Government College Nedumangad from 20th to 21st February 2014.
Published Papers
- Rahul Shajan, Gladston Raj S, Horoscope Analysis and Astrological Prediction using Biased Logistic Regression (BLR), International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019
- Juby George, Gladston Raj S, Leaf Identification using Harris Corner Detection, SURF Feature and FLANN Matcher, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019
- Sreekanth D, Gladston Raj S, Auto selection of clustering techniques using cluster validations for cloud log analysis, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019
- Sreekanth D, Gladston Raj S, An attentive security mechanism to openstack cloud environment using enhanced log analysis, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-6S, April 2019
- Sheba KU, Gladston Raj S Adaptive fuzzy logic based Bi-Histogram equalization for contrast enhancement of mammograms, 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017
- Kurian MJ, Gladston Raj S, Improving the performance of a classification based outlier system using Knn-C4 hybrid algorithm, 2016 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, An unsupervised fuzzy clustering method for twitter sentiment analysis, 2016 International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS)
- Anil KR and Gladston Raj S, Inferring feature relations of biometrie data from multiple sources, 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
- Kanchana J and Gladston Raj S, Optimization of dual SVM using covariance factors, 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
- Sreekanth, Gladston Raj S, An alternative security mechanism to OpenStack cloud environment using enhanced log analysis, International journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Scorpus Indexed International Journal, 2278-3075, May 2019
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, An Innovative and Efficient Method for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Inderscience, ISSN:1759-1171, Vol. 11, No.1, 2019
- Sheba K U, Gladston Raj S, A modified binary PSO based feature selection for automatic lesion detection in mammograms, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 10, No 2, April 2018
- Juby George, Gladston Raj S, Comparison of Leaf Recognition using Multi-layer Perceptron and Support Vector Machine, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 5, April 2018.
- Sheba K U, Gladston Raj S, An approach for automatic lesion detection in mammograms, Journal of Cogent Engineering, Web of Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018
- Sheba K U, Gladston Raj S, Detection of lesions in mammograms using grey level Texture and shape features, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2017
- Rahul Shajan, Gladston Raj S, Association rule mining based Analysis on horoscope data – a perspective study, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology, 2017
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, A Fuzzy Based Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering Model for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, ISSN: 18650929, Volume 776, pp.384-397, 2017
- Shaju Vargherse, Gladston Raj S, Simulated Annealing and Direct Search based Optimization Models for Facility Location in Logistic Network Design, International Journal on Computer Application, 2017
- Sheba K U, Gladston Raj S, An Analysis on the Performance of a Classification based Outlier Detection System using Feature Selection, International Journal on Computer Application, 2017
- Anil K R, Gladston Raj S, Inferring Feature Relations of Biometric Data from Multiple sources, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICIT) page 867-873, 2017
- Sreekanth K, Gladston Raj S, Double-Ended Prevention Mechanism For DDOS Attack In The Application Layer of Cloud Environment, International Journal for Science and Research in Technology, 2017
- Sreekanth K, Gladston Raj S, Enhanced e-Government Process Model with Customer Centric Cloud, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2017
- Rahul Shajan, Gladston Raj S, Study of the Relevance of Star Match in Astrology by Applying Data Mining Techniques, Proceedings of International Conference on Big data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC’17) organized by the Karunya University, Coimbatore, April, 2017.
- Juby George, Gladston Raj S, Leaf recognition using multi-layer perceptron, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017
- Rahul Shajan, Gladston Raj S, A Study On Application Of Data Mining In Astrology, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology in association with CSI Cochin chapter, organized by Santhigiri college of computer sciences, Vazhithala, thodupuzha, March 2017.
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, A Novel Cluster Based Unsupervised Technique for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA), International Science Press, ISSN: 0974-5572, Vol.10, No. 19, 2017
- Anil K R, Gladston Raj. S, Micro Array Feature Prediction Using Utility Based Twig Join Algorithm, International Journal for Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) Vol 15, No.4 April, 2017.
- Kanchana J, Gladston Raj S, Efficient Multi Kernel Implementation optimized with Weight Updation Algorithm, Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, 2017
- Anil K R, Gladston Raj S, A Deep Learning based Feature Selection Method with Multi Level Feature Identification and Extraction using Convolutional Neural Network, Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, 2017
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, An Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering Method for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), IEEE Xplore, December 2016
- Sheba K U, Gladston Raj S , Objective quality assessment of image enhancement methods in digital mammography-a comparative study, Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ), Vol.7, No.4, August 2016
- Kurian M J, Gladston Raj S, An Analysis on the Performance of a K-Nearest-Neighbor Classification Based Outlier Detection System using Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, International Journal of Scientific Inventions and Innovations, July 2016
- Rahul Shajan, Gladston Raj S, Health Prediction in Astrology using Data Mining Techniques, International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, 680-683, 2016
- Shaju Varghese, Gladston Raj S, Clustering Based Model For Facility Location In Logistic Network Using K-Means, International Journal of Scientific Inventions and Innovations, July 2016
- Kurian M J, Gladston Raj S, Improving the Performance of a Classification Based Outlier System Using Knn- C4 Hybrid Algorithm, IJCTA, 9(10), pp. 4695-4704, 2016
- Shaju Varghese, Gladston Raj S, Facility Location for Logistic Network Design using Alternate Location Procedure and Mini sum Location Allocation Method, IJCTA, 9(10), pp. 4683-4693, 2016
- Anil K R, Gladston Raj S, N-list based Friend Recommendation System Using Pre-rule Checking, International Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies Vol. 7 (1) 2016, 338-341, 2016
- Kanchana J, Gladston Raj S, Decision making using Multi Inference-LDA Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 7 (1) , 2016, 292-296, 2016
- Hima Suresh, Gladston Raj S, Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Opinion Mining, International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), ISSN: 2320-5407, Volume 3, Issue 12, 375 – 381, 2015
- Kurian M J, Gladston Raj S, Outlier Detection in Multidimensional Cancer Data using Classification Based Approach, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.79 (2015)
- Shaju Varghese, Gladston Raj S, A genetic algorithm based optimization model for facility location in logistic network design, International journal on Applied engineering research, Vol 10, No.69 (2015).
- Sreekanth D, Gladston Raj S, Secured inter cloud communication using improved oauth protocol, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing Technology organized by the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, September, 2014
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