Executive Committee



Type of Nomination

Contact No.



President 9447961070


Sri. Shiji

Vice President  9447228870


Dr.Ratheesh Krishnan  Asst. Professor of Economics




Dr. L. Alex  
Vice Principal

Executive Member 9447961070


Smt. Sibi Natuvilakkandi    HoD,  Economics

Executive Member  9495644455


Dr. Reshmy. V K                     HoD, Physics

Executive Member  8547622337


Dr. Sunilkumar. R                  Asst. Professor of History

Executive Member  9446263078


Dr. Bijikumari,                Asst. Professor of History



Mr.Syamlal, Asst. Professor of Mathematics



Dr. Biju SK              Asso. Professor of Commerce


Sri. Suresh A  








Mr.Sadar A  


Mr.Anuraj A K  


Mr.Abdulsalam M  


Ms.Reeja N  


Ms.Sheejabeevi S  


Govt. College, Nedumangad has a vibrant and dynamic Parent Teacher Association (PTA) constituted and guided by the Department of Collegiate Education through G.O.(MS) No. 133/90/H.Edn., dated 1stJune 1990. Membership of the PTA is open to all parents and the teachers of the college. The PTA ensures active involvement of parents and teachers in all matters pertaining to the College, helps the authorities maintain a conducive academic ambiance in the campus and strives to realize the sublime goals of the institution by creatively contributing to its management. In addition, it plays a most decisive role in maintaining discipline and in keeping the institutional assets intact. With a view to optimizing teaching-learning process and enhancing overall development of the College, the PTA extends every possible help and support. The PTA awards proficiency prizes for outstanding students of all batches in all departments. Regular meetings of departmental PTAs and the college PTA ensure the co-operation between parents and teachers in fulfilling the goals of the institution.

Constitution of the Parent-Teacher Association, Government College, Nedumangad

  1. Name : The name of this association shall be The Parent-Teacher Association, Government College, Nedumangad.
  2. Office : The office of the Association shall be located at the Govt. College, Nedumangad
  3. Aims and objects : The aims and objects of the Associations shall be
    a)  To foster and promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, students and guardians of the students.
    b) To create in its members keen interest for the smooth working and the progress of the college and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
    c) To institute scholarships, prizes, medal etc., to benefit students showing a high proficiency in their studies.
    d) To provide some amenities to the students of this College.
  4. Membership  
    (a)The parents of all the students on the rolls of the college during a year shall be eligible to the members of the Association
    (b) When a student is removed from the rolls of the college, the parent of the students shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the association.
    (c)The parent of each students admitted to the College shall joint the Association by paying a membership fee of Rs. 45 in limp at the time of admission.
    (d)The Principal and the other members of the teaching staff shall be members of the Association.
  5. Administration
    (a)  The administration of the Association shall vest, in an Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as Committee, elected for the purpose.
    (b)  The Committee shall consist of –
    A President
    ii.  A Vice-President
    iii.  A Secretary shall be elected from among the members of the teaching staff.
    iv.  Not more than 8 other members of which at least 4 shall represent the guardians and 4 the teaching staff.
    (c) The term of office of the committee shall be for a period of one year (the year for the purpose shall be the calendar year).
    (d) A Committee once elected shall continue to hold office till a new committee assumes charge
  6. Powers and responsibilities of the Executive committee– Subject to the consent of the General body of the Association, the executive shall have the following powers:-
    (a) To manage all affairs of the Association, to incur and meet all necessary expenses and do all such acts as are not inconsistent with these rules.
    (b) To accept application for membership and enlist members.
    (c) To hold meetings of the committee at least once in a term or oftener if deemed necessary.
    (d) To periodically check the registers and the other records of the Association.
    (e) To prepare the annual report and the audited statement of accounts for a year to be placed before the General Body.
    (f) To implement all decisions taken by the General Body.
    (g) To suggest amendments to any of the existing rules and to frame new rules for consideration of the General Body.
    (h) To fill up any causal vacancy in the committee co-option
    (i) To form sub-committees for specific purposes
  7. Duties of the Office Bearers

 President :
(a) The Principal shall be Ex-officio President and the Treasurer of the Association.
(b) He shall have control over the affairs of the Association and shall preside over the committee meetings and the meetings of the General Body.
(c) He shall have powers to convene meetings of the committee and of the General Body either on his own initiative or on the written requisition of at least 5 members in the case of the committee and 25 members in the case of the General Body meetings
(d) He shall be the sole custodian of all the funds of the Association and all the connected account books, receipt books, vouchers, passbooks etc.
(e) He shall have powers to operate the Accounts of the Association and to incur such expenditure as may be approved by the committee.
(f) He shall maintain proper records of the receipts and payment and such records shall be produced before the committee at its meetings.
(g) He shall get the annual statement of accounts prepared and audited and such statements shall be placed before the committee and the General Body.
(h) He shall keep a sum of Rs.500 at a time to meet unforeseen expenses.  The balance amount shall be deposited in a Scheduled Bank approved by the General Body.

Vice-President  :
(a) He shall be elected from among the parents
In the absence of the President, Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President.

The Secretary :

There shall be a Secretary to be elected from among the members of the teaching staff.  shall have the following powers:
(a)  To enrol members.
(b)  To maintain proper registers and records, to keep in safe custody all official papers of the Association and to attend to the day-to-day correspondence of the Association.
(c)  To Convene meeting of the committee or of the General Body then authorised to do so by the President.
(d)  To keep a correct record of the Proceedings of all committees and General Body meetings
(e)  To perform all other functions as any be assigned from time to time by the President or by the Executive Committee.
(f)  To incur such expenditure as may become necessary.

  1. Committee Meeting
    (a) The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be six
    (b) The President shall preside over all committee meetings and in his absence the Vice-President. In case the Vice-President is also absent, the members of the committee present shall nominate one from among them to  be the President of the meeting.
    (c) Three days notice shall ordinarily be given for all committee meetings.
    (d)  Special meetings of the committee may be convened by the President at the written request of at least 4 members of the committee.
    (e) All decisions shall be by a majority of votes.  In case of equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall have a casing vote.
  2. General Body and its Meetings
    The General Body shall be the supreme authority concerning all matters of the Association.

    (b) The General Body shall ordinarily meet once in a year, or oftener if necessary.
    (c) The business to be transacted at the annual meeting shall include the following:-
    To receive the annual report regarding the activities of the Association for the year.
    2.   To examine the audited statement of accounts of the Association for the year
    3.   To approve the budget proposal for the ensuing year.
    4.   To consider any amendments to byelaws.
    5.   To elect office bearers for the ensuing year.
    6.   The quorum for a General Body meeting shall be 15 or 1/5 of the total numbers on the rolls whichever is less.(d) Seven days notice shall ordinarily be given for all meetings of the general body either by direct intimation or by publishing such information in local dailies.  Non-receipt of such information shall not however invalidate any of the proceedings of the General Body Meeting.
    (e) A special meeting of the General Body shall be convened at the written requisition of at least 25 members.  Such meeting shall discuss only the specific matter for which the meeting has been convened.  The rule regarding notice and quorum shall apply to such meetings also.
    (f) The President and in his absence the Vice-President shall preside over all meetings of the General Body.  In the absence of both, any member elected from among the members present shall preside.
    (g) All decisions shall be on the basis of a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
  3. General
    (a) The Association shall have a common seal, which shall be in the safe custody of the President/Secretary.
    (b) Any document executed by the Association shall be signed by the President and the secretary.
    (c) In the case of any legal proceedings before a court by or against the Association, the association shall be represented by the Secretary.
    (d) In the case of dissolution of the Association at any time, all its records and funds shall be taken over by the President and disposed of in a manner to be decided by the General Body.
    (e) None of the above rules shall be altered, amended for rescinded except at a meeting of the General Body at which 2/3 of the members present record their vote in favour of the suggested changes.
  4. Not less than a majority of the members shall from the quorum at all questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of members present. If the votes including the vote of the Chairman are equally, divided, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. The Principal may over rule the decision of the College Council but in such cases he shall make a report to the Director of Collegiate Education setting forth his reasons for doing so.
  5. The Chairman shall be the sole judge of any point of order.  He may call any member to order and shall have power to make any action as may be necessary to enforce his decision.
  6. The Budget shall be framed by the Principal in consultation with the members of the Council and forwarded to the Director of Collegiate Education.
  7. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules it shall be competent to the Principal to dispose of any matter, which should ordinarily be disposed of by the Council.

Major Activities by PTA during the Year 2018-19

  • Financial assistance to canteen.
  • Taken imitative to begin new courses
  • Appointed a new security for the college
  • Conducted various Department meetings after each assessment
  • Organized Merit Day for encouraging meritorious students
  • PTA increased basic infrastructure facilities in the college
  • Conducted model exams, seminars, orientation programmes to students
  • Taken steps to maintain an ECO friendly campus
  • Conducted career guidance programme for the students
  • Provides Financial and other assistance to College Union, Sports and NSS
  • Provides assistance to various Departments
  • Provides Identity cards to First year students
  • Repairs And Maintenance
  1. Electrical and Plumbing
  2. Electronic Equipment’s
  3. Buildings
  4. Benches and desk
  • Appointment and Provides salaries to Guest Faculties
  • Provides Medical Facilities to the students
  • Installed pad vending machine
  • Provides stationaries to College Office and various Departments
  • Taken initiative to start Commerce Research Department in the College
  • Taken special care to maintain academic and other disciplines in the college
  • Provides Financial Assistance to Casual Workers
  • Encourages Extracurricular activities of the students

Amount Spent for the Academic Year:-

Purchases 1,05,610
Printing and Stationery 74,258
Salary to guest faculties and casual workers 2,73,000
Repairs and Maintenance 52,265
Merit Day Functions 1,54,450
Campus Cleaning 1,27,877
Medical and Union Expenses 1,12,095



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